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Election Procedure

#Document Link
1Process and Schedule for the conduct of elections of the office bearers and members of executive committee, BAI - 2022
2Election of office bearers and executive committee members of BAI for the period of 2022-26 – List of contesting candidates
3Election of office bearers and executive committee members of BAI for the period of 2022-26 – List of electoral collage
4Election of office bearers and executive committee members of BAI for the period of 2022-26 – Declaration of result
5Report of the Returning Officer for the Election of the Office Bearers and Members of Executive Committee of BAI – 2022-26
6Declaration of Result (Form-17) dated: 03/04/2018 issued by the Hon'ble Returning Officer, Elections of Office Bearers and Members of Executive Committee (BAI - 2018) for a term of next four years commencing from 2018.
7Form-6 Final List of Contesting Candidates for the BAI Election 2018
9Election Process-2018
10AGM Notice 2018
11Nomination Withdrawl Form-2018
12Notice dated 2nd January, 2014 and Agenda of the Annual General Meeting of BAI
to be held on 25th January, 2014 at Lucknow.
13"Letter of Hony. General Secretary, BAI regarding Process and Schedule for the Elections
for the Posts of the Office Bearers and the Executive Committee Members of BAI".
14 "Process and Schedule for the Conduct Elections for the Posts of the Office Bearers
and the Executive Committee Members of BAI - 2014" issued by Returning Officer.
15"Forms for the Elections for the Posts of the Office Bearers
and the Executive Committee Members of BAI - 2014".
16Request Letter dated 06-01-2014 regarding intimation of the names of the
Representative(s) / Delegate(s) for the BAI - AGM dated 25.01.2014 to be held at Lucknow
17CORRIGENDUM dated 09.01.2014 to the Process and Schedule for the Conduct of Elections of the
Office Bearers and Members of Executive Committee, BAI – 2014 issued by the Returning Officer
on 04.01.2014
18List of Electoral College - Elections of the Office Bearers and Executive Committee Members, BAI - 2014
19List of Nominated Candidates (Form 3) issued by the Returning Officer dated 16.01.2014 for the Elections of Office Bearers and Members of Executive Committee, BAI - 2014
20List of Validly Nominated Candidates (Form 4) issued by the Returning Officer dated 17.01.2014 for the Elections of Office Bearers and Members of Executive Committee, BAI - 2014
21Letter dated 20.01.2014 issued by the Hon'ble Returning Officer, Elections of Office Bearers and Members of Executive Committee, BAI - 2014
22List of contesting candidates for the post of Secretary - Coaching and Development, BAI in Form - 6 issued by the Hon'ble Returning Officer on 20.01.2014.
23Copy of Certificate of Election dated 20.01.2014 issued by the Hon'ble Returning Officer, Elections of the Office Bearers and Members of the Executive Committee, BAI - 2014.
24Declaration of Result (Form-15) dated: 25/1/2014 issued by the Hon'ble Returning Officer, Elections of Office Bearers and Members of Executive Committee (BAI - 2014) for a term of next four years commencing from 13th of June, 2014.
25Copy of Certificate of Election dated 25.01.2014 issued by the Hon'ble Returning Officer, Elections of the Office Bearers and Members of the Executive Committee (BAI - 2014) for a term of next four years commencing from 13th of June, 2014.
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